A basic overview of the AWS IoT core components, what they do and how to use them
IoT Core
- Securely connect device,
- Route data and act on data
- Filter and transform data
- Deploy and interact
- Mirror and Offline models
- Device authentication and authorisation
- Supports MQTT (Message Queuing and Telemetry Transport), HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol – Secure), MQTT over WSS (WebSockets Secure), and LoRaWAN (low-power long-range wide-area network).
- Connect and manage LoRaWAN devices (AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN)
IoT Green Grass
- Allows the hosting of amazon service on the edge gateway to improve performance
- Protects against loss of functionality with the loss of internet
- When internet is connectivity is return will sync the cloud and local device
IoT Device Manager
- On-board devices and allows bulk onboarding
- Catalogue of devices and configuration
- Obtain the dynamic state
- Monitor devices
- Allows over the air updates to single or bulk device
IoT Device Defender
- Monitors devices to alert support teams of potential problems (e.g. spikes in traffic when a IoT device is tacking part in
- Audits policies
IoT Device OS (Things)
- FreeRTOS, this is a free open source IoT operating systems
- Extend the FreeRTOS to add allow connectivity to a edge gateway (GreenGrass) or connect to IoT Core
- Security credentials and key management
- Firmware OTE
AWS IoT 1-Click
- Devices are already configured to connect to AWS
- They can call a lambda function
Benefits of using AWS IoT
- Completely serverless to allow scalability
- Only pay for what you use